Blue Gamma Grass

Gamma Grass
Bearing the name of two Spanish botanists who were siblings, Claudio and Esteban Bouteloua, these intriguing warm season perennial grasses have an aesthetic appeal and an historic past. Integral elements of the famed North American short grass prairies, otherwise called the Great Plains, Bouteloua are steadfast natives that belong to a large 40 member strong family, extending from Canada to Argentina.

Taller and more energetic than the species, ‘Blonde Ambition’s dense finely hewn tufts provide a blue-green foil for cut-flower-perfect inflorescences, which grow at 90° angles and summon our attention well into winter. The large chartreuse seed heads broadcast eye-catching platinum blonde shades once they mature, waving like splendid flags atop stiff 2 ½ ft. slender stalks. Discovered by David Salmon of High Country Gardens as a chance sport in a Santa Fe, NM garden, this tough heady grass struts golden-brown, orange and red foliar autumn colors, and shimmers when interwoven with Sesleria and flanked by Hydrangea paniculata ‘Pink Diamond’. (pp#22,048)
Blooms June–November
Size: 2-1/2' – 3' 0" high x 2-1/2' – 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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