Threadleaf Coreopsis

The Coreopsis we offer are perennials. They share some characteristics with their annual cousins: they are dependable, easy to work with, and make a quick impact. Though they often play a supporting role, Coreopsis are performers you’ll remember when the show’s over, for foliage as much as for stellar flowers.
Coreopsis verticillata ‘Zagreb’ (P-0052)
Each 11.50

If you’ve tried some of the new Coreopsis introductions, but long for a blast from the past, you may be pleased to rediscover this tough-guy Coreopsis, whose finely cut, dense architectural form looks attractive even before the long lasting blooms appear. Dissected slender green leaves plus sturdy upright branching stems bolster a cheerful profusion of golden yellow daisies. Versatile, dependable and drought resilient, ‘Zagreb’ makes a colorful highly textured addition to the foreground, especially when flanked by Sidalcea ‘Elsie Heugh’.
Blooms July–September.
Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 15" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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