Pineapple Lily
A phenomenal display from a wondrous bulb, Eucomis belongs to the Lily family and calls tropical southern Africa its home. While its bold architectural lines beg a prominent spot in the ground or in a container, Pineapple Lily prefers warm, sunny nooks with mulched, well drained soil, and protection from excessive winter cold and moisture.

Massive deep ruby red spikes, densely studded with star-like milky pink flowers, ascend from a gorgeous upright rosette of thick vibrant burgundy straps. Tantalizing pollinators, horticulturists and florists, the long lasting blooms are crowned by pineapple-style clusters of small leaves, while showy persistent seed capsules extend the floral splendor. A sensational choice for a container, along a pathway or atop a rock wall, ‘Oakhurst’ flourishes in bright well-drained abodes, appreciates mulch (especially during cold winters) and endures drought, though it prefers moderate moisture.
Blooms July–September
Size: 2' 0" – 2-1/2' high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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