Chinese Wild Ginger

Wild Ginger
Stretching out by underground rhizomes, the Wild Gingers are handsome woodland dwellers whose large-leafed, low growing colonies flourish in moist, shady niches. Long petioles elevate their polished, usually heart-shaped foliage while darkly colored, three-lobed blooms add intrigue.

“Splendid” seems like too modest a word to proclaim the elegance of this gingers foliage! Glistening, broadly arrow-shaped, deep green leaves flaunt dramatic silver marbling and come spring, 2 in. wide dark purple blossoms with white throats. Situated among Podophyllum hexandrum, easy-to-grow Asarum splendens sculpts a show stealing, illustriously patterned ground cover in just a few years that appreciates warm, humid summers while resenting cool ones.
Blooms April–May
Size: 8" high x 0" & spreading wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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