False Indigo
Distinguished by their stately postures, these long-lived Legume family members grow wild in the eastern and southern regions of this country. A handsome mass of leaflets grouped in threes and erect, branching stems produce showy spires adorned with small, sweet-pea-like blooms. Easily cultivated in well-drained sites, Baptisias tolerate poor, sandy soil and some drought, but resent having their roots disturbed.

Distinctive for its lemon yellow flowers blushing an array of rich orange and violet hues as they mature, ‘Solar Flare’ lends sunny charisma to any border. The copious blooms are held on tall spikes well above dapper blue-green leaves, which frame a stylish vase-shaped habit with a broad dense head.
A complex hybrid of Baptisia tinctoria, alba and australis developed by Dr. Jim Ault, this fabulous, new bicolored cultivar demonstrates un-bridled vigor and makes an uplifting complementary statement alongside Asclepias ‘Soulmate’. (pp#20,408)
Blooms late May – June
Size: 3' 0" – 4' 0" high x 4' 0" – 4-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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