You can experience how this no-trouble rhizomatous ground cover earned its common name if, following a rain, you rub a leaf between your fingers—but it is Bergenia’s fine firm foliage mass and waxy Saxifraga-like flowers that justify its presence in the garden. With bold rounded outlines, the great, glossy, and nearly evergreen, rich green leaves are a handsome backdrop for dense heads of delightful spring blooms that rise above the cabbage-looking rosette on stalwart red-tinted stems. In winter, leaves become tinged with burgundy and are most welcome in holiday arrangements. Bergenia endures neglect, poor soil and some drought, but performs best in part shade.

A 1972 Eric Smith hybrid raised at Britain’s Hadspen House, this rarely offered Bergenia emphasizes arresting contrast. Enhanced by rose-blushed centers, flamboyant red calyces and hefty burgundy-hued stalks, the massive, densely set flower heads initially develop a soft pink coloration, which dramatically matures to white above thick deep green leaves. The tailored evergreen clump can be planted in drifts as an easily grown ground cover, broadcasting bold lustrous texture plus warm coppery red winter highlights.
Blooms April–May
Size: 16" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 3.
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