Late in the season, after the charming hooded blooms have faded, pairs of scallop-shaped, warmly colored seed capsules, resembling small inverted skullcaps, add intriguing detail to these Mint family members. Our easy-to-grow selections appreciate a sunny, quick-draining site, and happily mingle with medium-sized Euphorbias, Diascias and Nepetas.
Scutellaria ‘Appalachian Blues’ (P-2299)
Each 9.75

Originating as a seedling from a naturally occurring hybrid between two eastern U.S. natives Scutellaria ovata and Scutellaria serrata, this first-rate 2022 cultivar was selected by West Virginia-based horticulturalist Peter Heus and introduced by Plants Nouveau. Dapper serrated mint-green leaves with plum-colored margins distinguish the snug semievergreen clump, which premiers large Salvia-like violet-blue and white bicolored flowers on upright, branching dark maroon stems. Happiest in filtered light plus well-drained soil, ‘Appalachian Blues’s amenable deer-resistant habit attracts numerous bee species, tolerates occasional drought and promises long-lasting charm for sunny, moist meadow plantings, mixed borders and woodland peripheries.
Blooms late May–July
Size: 15" – 2' 0" high x 15" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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