Callunas’ tiny scale-like leaves range from deep green to silver, gold and bronze, with some changing color after a frost. Flowering from mid-to-late summer in cool whites, pinks and purples, the small bell-shaped flowers are frozen in graceful repose on one-sided spikes. Heathers are marvelous, fresh or dried.

Named for the Oregon nursery where it originated, this reliable American cultivar offers striking crimson flowers that nearly obscure its low mound of handsome greenery. ‘Corbett’s Red’ is a compact, spreading Heather whose richly hued blooms can be partnered with Spiraea ‘Ogon’.
Blooms August–September
Size: 12" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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Other selections in this genus:
- Calluna vulgaris ‘Blazeaway’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘Bonita’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘Dark Beauty’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘Firefly’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘Flamingo’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘H. E. Beale’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘Kinlochruel’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘Martha Herman’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘Multicolor’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘October White’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘Red Star’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘Silver Knight’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘Sister Anne’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘Spring Torch’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘Tib’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘Wickwar Flame’
- Calluna vulgaris ‘Winter Chocolate’