Each $13.00

Celebrated as one of our choicest natives, the deciduous Cinnamon Fern is steeped in grandeur and calls every state east of the Mississippi its home. Urbane vase-shaped clumps spotlight gracefully arching lacy bright green fronds plus an extraordinary central showing of erect fertile cinnamon-hued spikes. Known to be a tasty meal for ruffled grouse and nest material for hum- mingbirds, Osmunda cinnamomea favors moist shady sites, handles more sun in cooler locales and looks best en masse.
Size: 3' 0" high x 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 3.

Though the genus could exalt a Scandinavian rune writer of 1025, or the Saxon’s name for the god Thor, the specific epithet aptly denotes Royal Fern’s majestic presence. Kin to the Eurasian and North American native, this robust AGM-winning cultivar headlines a grand three-season performance. New reddish purple spring growth looks a bit like sweet-pea foliage, and as the weather warms, the shapely deciduous flourish of broad fronds features stout upright maroon stems plus large, well-separated bright green leaflets, which support unique spore-laden flower-like tassels for midsummer intrigue and transmute cozy gold and russet colors for fall. ‘Purpurascens’s non-finicky, bold textured demeanor can be ensconced in shady, consistently-moist woodland gardens, and prairie or native plantings plus pond and streamside venues.
Size: 2' 0" – 4' 0" high x 2' 0" – 4' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.