
One of the earliest plants to bloom, you can be picking Lungwort’s urn-shaped flowers in February while the rest of the garden still slumbers. Easy-to-grow Pulmonarias prefer the lacy light of a woodland setting and cool moist soil. They are excellent noninvasive ground covers.

Lance-shaped dark green leaves create a handsome solid-colored bed for nodding clusters of vivid cobalt blue funnel-shaped flowers atop short stalks. Granted a four star score at the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Pulmonaria trials, ‘Blaues Meer’s vigorous enduring clump makes a verdant statement beneath Spiraea ‘Ogon’.
Blooms February-April
Size: 8" – 10" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Here’s one type of frost that should be welcomed into gardens with open arms. The mildew resistant foliage of this compact species has a green midrib and is irregularly splashed with so much silver that there is often more silver than apple green. Such “frost” complements the soft rose-colored flowers, which fade to violet-blue. The Maple-like foliage of Kirengeshoma palmata makes it an interesting neighbor for ‘Apple Frost’.
Blooms March–April.
Size: 12" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

The lush foliage of ‘Benediction’, with its widely spaced silver spots, ranks above that of other dark green-leafed Pulmonarias. A favorite for massing, we especially enjoy the profusion of deep blue flowers when planted next to Epimedium x rubrum and Euphorbia ‘Great Dixter’.
Blooms early March–May.
Size: 10" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

The raspberry-pink flower of this species is a new color for Pulmonarias. Against the sparkling, mostly silver leaves with slightly ruffled, mottled green margins, the flowers are as enticing as a bowl of fresh berries and cream. Plant in large drifts and watch the flowers—and your garden—turn purple with age.
Blooms March–April.
Size: 12" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

A chance seedling discovered in the early 1990s at England’s Wisley Botanical Garden, this dependable AGM victor is considered one of the best cultivated lungworts. Broad, fuzzy dark green leaves distinguish the winsome robust clump beneath vibrant, flared gentian-blue flowers. Enticing plant enthusiasts plus early spring’s hungry honeybees, ‘Blue Ensign’s clustered, nectar-rich gala lends electrifying accents to shady borders amid Primula ‘Double Lilac’, spring-blooming bulbs such as miniature daffodils and Athyrium ‘Apple Court’.
Blooms March–April
Size: 10" – 12" high x 15" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.

Spotted by highly regarded British plant maven Bob Brown and named in honor of his wife, this robust P. longifolia hybrid is hailed as one of the best silver-leafed Pulmonaria for hot locales. Dashing, long pointed leaves are initially rimmed with a stippled pewter and green border, which quickly morphs into solid sterling silver. A classy early spring charmer, ‘Diana Clare’s well-tailored clump cushions plentiful, perky dark violet blooms, aging to cobalt-blue on short sturdy stalks.
Blooms late February–April
Size: 10" high x 12" – 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

With a metallic effulgence that’s reminiscent of mercury, this Pulmonaria is a refined inspiration for the darker corners of your garden. Its lance-shaped leaves are completely frosted in silver except for a pencil-thin, deep green edge. Impressively mildew resistant, ‘Excalibur’s striking foliage is graced by charming rosy pink and blue flowers long before spring’s treasure trove of bloom gets underway. (pp#8958).
Blooms March–May.
Size: 10" high x 20" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Pulmonaria ‘Little Star’ (P-0310)
Each $11.75
With foliage that’s more diminutive than other Pulmonarias, this compact Lungwort can easily squeeze into an intimate space. While the deep cobalt blue of the flowers fades to a softer purple, the distinct silver spots of the narrow leaves remain intense and dazzling. We let ‘Little Star’ skirt the ground beneath the gilded foliage of Clematis ‘Stolwijk Gold’ for a dramatic foliar contrast.
Blooms early March – April.
Size: 8" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

This marvelous subspecies from the Cevennes region of France will perk up any shady spot with its slender, silver mottled leaves that are spear-shaped and distinctively large, reaching up to 2 ft. in length. Wider than most longifolia species, good-sized cobalt blue flowers fade to violet atop a mounding, highly mildew resistant base.
Blooms March – April.
Size: 18" high x 2-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
A beloved older cultivar named for a noted British plantsman, this boldly marked Pulmonaria boasts a dashing mound of long narrow, steel-splotched dark green leaves and clustered bright blue blooms. Its distinguished good looks, abundant full-toned flowers and easily maintained habit earned ‘Bertram Anderson’ a perfect score at the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Pulmonaria Trials and should give you plenty of reason to welcome him into your favorite shady nook.
Blooms February–April
Size: 10" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Each $11.75

Solidly sheened with silver, ‘Majesté’s thick leafage is extremely elegant—even without any flowers. But in early spring, short arching sprays of both blue and pink blooms make an appearance and, against the leaves, it’s a color-rich delight. Omphalodes ‘Cherry Ingram’s greenery offers a vivid contrast.
Blooms March–April.
Size: 12" high x 15" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

Good-sized dark green ovate foliage, heavily tattooed with irregular slate-colored blotches, patches and spots, lolls beneath a delicate presentation of funnel-shaped pale ice blue blooms on short stems. ‘Opal’s cool composed visage can be sited amid wild gingers and backed by Anemone leveillei.
Blooms March–May
Size: 6" – 12" high x 6" – 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Pulmonaria ‘Roy Davidson’ (P-0124)
Each $11.75

This prized Pulmonaria’s periwinkle blue flowers stand 6 to 8 proud inches above handsome, evenly silver-blotched foliage. Broad, Hosta-like green leaves are slightly rough to the touch. It works well as a ground cover in a shaded rock garden and blooms for an exceptionally long time.
Blooms mid-February–May.
Size: 12" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Awarded 4 stars at the Chicago Botanic Garden's Pulmonaria Trails, 'Dora Bielefeld' delivers pretty rose pink funnel-shaped flowers atop a consistently well-groomed apple green mound with wide-spaced pearly speckles and plenty of hearty gusto. Her decidedly feminine blooms seldom fade to purple and make a lovely addition to companions such as Helleborus 'Picotee Lady' and Aruncus aethusifolius.
Blooms February–April.
Size: 12" – 15" high x 15" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

A friend in Montana tells his wife every night that what she’s cooking for dinner is his favorite, and he means it. We’re like that with Pulmonarias. This one is our favorite too—for its flower. It’s the truest, the showiest, the brightest blue, and the earliest to bloom. Large, richly green foliage is dappled in swank grays and silvers.
Blooms February–April.
Size: 12" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

Pristine, soft white flowers crown mercury-dappled and freckled deep green leaves that are broader than other saccharata species. Resembling ‘Roy Davidson’ in terms of spotted foliage, this Pulmonaria is more open, bearing its flowers more loosely and later in the spring.
Blooms February–April
Size: 10" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Ruffle-edged, mercury-hued and randomly dappled with green, the spectacular long slender leaves grow upward then gracefully arch downward. A Dan Heims hybrid between Pulmonaria . ‘Redstart’ and Pulmonaria . ‘Excalibur’, this posh steadfast shade dweller debuts colorful clusters of dainty drooping funnel-shaped blooms, which open pink, then turn blue, perched atop short stems.
Blooms March–April
Size: 12" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

Bred by Pulmonaria aficionado Janet Egger and introduced by Terra Nova Nursery in 2009, this mounding silver-leafed cultivar inherits a welcome heat and mildew-resistant bent from its Pulmonaria longifolia ssp. cevennensis heritage. Showcasing green edges and occasional mottling, long, lustrous, lance-shaped leaves make a posh glittering statement even before the flared bell-like pink blooms take on bright blue-violet shades. ‘Silver Bouquet’s stalwart clump can edge a shady border where it shrugs off slugs and deer plus mingles with Athyrium ‘Ghost’, Anemone leveillei and some spring bulbs. (pp#20,059)
Blooms March–May
Size: 8" – 10" high x 15" – 20" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

A winning Terra Nova introduction between Pulmonaria longifolia ‘Bertram Anderson’ and Pulmonaria vallarsae ‘Margery Fish’, this energetic Pulmonaria serves generous portions of clustered, large royal-blue flowers. The princely deer and mildew-resistant mound is defined by lance-shaped green foliage peppered with plentiful silver spots. Exhibiting good heat and humidity tolerance, ‘Trevi Fountain’ is a superb choice for Southern gardens as well as other woodland settings throughout the country. (pp#13,047)
Blooms March–April
Size: 12" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.