Deer Grass

Named in honor of G. H. E. Muhlenberg, a botanist who specialized in grasses, this large, varied genus includes some of the most visually stunning and enduring ornamental grasses for today’s landscape. Primarily native to arid range areas of the southern U.S. and Mexico, many Muhlenbergias boast not only arresting inflorescences and foliage, but an exceptional tolerance to heat, sun and drought, plus limited amounts of dappled shade each day, as long as the soil has sharp drainage.
Each 11.50

A long-time resident of California and other southwestern states, this semievergreen Muhlenbergia yields upright, thin and arrowlike silvery inflorescences reaching beyond the narrow, 18 in. high gray-green foliage. Creating a shimmery veiling effect in the landscape and adding pizzazz to dried arrangements, the reflective flowering stalks bend gracefully as they age.
Let Deer Grass weave its way around the contrasting horizontal form of Arctostaphylos ‘Vancouver Jade’, or superimpose it against Lobelia tupa.
Blooms September–December
Size: 5' 0" high x 4' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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