Extremely durable, undemanding and hearty, this all-purpose clump-forming grass delivers arresting accents to any garden setting.

Chanced upon at Garden Gate Growers in Kettle Falls, Washington, this flashy variegated form of ‘Karl Foerster’ wields slender deep green blades heightened by a central golden stripe. The long, narrow vertical plumes are somewhat more open compared to ‘Karl Foerster’s, exhibiting a gossamer-like quality that unfurls in muted mauve tones and ends the season with warm wheat shades atop staunch honey-colored stalks. Triumphant over deer, heavy clay and hot weather, ‘Eldorado’ enjoys sunny, moderately moist environs, while its robust eye-catching profile can be utilized as a straight-standing specimen or planted en masse. (pp#16,486)
Blooms May–December
Size: 5' 0" high x 2' 0" – 2-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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