This large cosmopolitan genus gleans its name from the Greek word pogon, or beard, alluding to the lustrous hairs that blanket the inflorescences. Closely associated with Schizachyrium, 13 clump-forming warm season Andropogon hail from North America. Many of the garden-worthy Beardgrass are often drought tolerant, and generally characterized by attractive, easily grown sturdy demeanors, late summer blooms plus stunning autumn color.

Prismatic three season appeal and a steely attitude are the hallmark of this long-lived Intrinsic Perennial Gardens introduction. Tall, straight, sturdy stems plus upright arching blades emerge in glaucous bluish green tones, which transition to a greener coloration with maroon mottling as the weather warms, while breathtaking bronze, burgundy, smoky purple and mulled pink herald autumn. Well suited for mixed borders, meadow-style gardens and naturalized areas, drought-tolerant ‘Holy Smoke’ helps control erosion, delivers distinctive 3-parted blooms enjoyed by birds as well as flower arrangers and looks most effective en masse, especially alongside other native chums like Echinacea ‘Ruby Star’ or Liatris ligulistylis. (pp#33,929)
Blooms August–October
Size: 4' 0" – 6' 0" high x 2' 0" – 2-1/2' wide.
Zone 3b/4.
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