This plant has been used to ward off lightning, revive the weary traveler, repel moths and for deworming—hence, Wormwood. We prefer to think of the Greek goddess Artemis who, it is said, was so pleased to discover its many practical applications that she named it after herself. An annual trim guarantees a neat appearance, otherwise Artemisias are simple to grow and virtually pest free.

Brimming with texture, ‘Sea Foam’ hosts a frothy display of incandescent silver-gray foliage. Swirling, curly, filigreed leaves are draped like finely cut lace along vigorous firm woody stems. Not intrusive and tight-set, this low mounding shrubby perennial can take it hot but not humid, needs well drained soil, makes a good winter statement and occasionally yields cute, little yellow buttons on downy white flower spikes.
Blooms August.
Size: 8" – 12" high x 2' 0" wide.
Zone 4/5.
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