Himalayan Cobra Lily

Cobra Lily or Jack-in-the-Pulpit
These exotic-looking Calla relations comprise a vast genus primarily found in the Himalayas, China and Japan. While the sparsely produced leaves are carved into 3 or more leaflets, the curious inflorescence features a fleshy club-like spike that’s packed with tiny flowers and encompassed by an over arching flower bract. Fertile, humus-rich and evenly moist soil helps keep the Cobra Lilies charmed.

Jewel of the woodland garden, this elegant, easy-to-grow species is found throughout southwestern China. A whorl of numerous narrow leaflets with slender drip-tips and undulating edges crowns each tall stately stem. Conjuring mysterious images of a cobra poised to strike, the otherworldly inflorescence is borne from a petiole beneath the foliage. It is defined by a purplish brown and greenish white-streaked spathe with an elongated hood that tapers to a pendulous, very long, threadlike tip. Clustered, bright scarlet berries create a colorful grand finale. Fertile, humus-rich and evenly moist soil will keep the Cobra Lily charmed.
This plant will be shipped from fall through mid-spring. Most of the plants will be shipped dormant and bare-root unless we have potted ones which have sprouted.
Dormant Arisaemas in containers must not be kept wet. Water them in their pots only when the soil gets bone dry—about twice a month.
Blooms June.
Size: 3' 0" – 4' 0" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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