Bleeding Heart
Treasured by all who behold them, Bleeding Hearts are ideal for the front of a border or a more relaxed setting such as a cottage garden or wildflower planting. These easily cultivated perennials appreciate ample shade during hot summers and flourish in well-drained humus-rich soil that’s not too wet.

Hailing from the Pope’s Hadspen Gardens in Somerset, England, this Dicentra’s artful golden mounds of dissected ferny leaves will light up the shady corners of your garden. Nodding heart-styled rose-pink flowers line long, one-sided arching racemes above spectacular glowing foliage that is more yellow in bright shade and transforms to lime green in deeper shade. ‘Gold Heart’ can be massed with white-flowering Brunnera ‘Mr. Morse’ and Anemone ‘Snow Angel’ for sparkling color and contrasting foliar textures.
Blooms April–May
Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 2' 0" – 2-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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