Russian Sage
Hailing from southern Asia, east through Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran to China, Perovskia’s common name alludes to Vasily Perovsky, a Russian general who canvassed the region in the 1850s. This cold-hardy genus is singular for its myriad long-blooming flowers that galvanize hummingbirds, butterflies and bees plus its valiant character that braves deer, rabbits, cold weather as well as dry locales.

Plucked from a tray of ‘Blue Spire’ seedlings by British plant breeder Peter Catt, ‘Lacey Blue’ is a superb long-lived selection that’s big on flowers and small in stature. Cherished by hummingbirds and fantastic in a vase, long-blooming masses of uniquely large blue-purple flowers garnish stiff upright spikes. Thickset frosted stems plus finely dissected, gray-green leaves, emitting a spicy scent and sporting soft hairs with a subtle silvery sheen, define the compact short bushy mound. This rugged undemanding perennial appreciates a spring pruning and makes an exemplary candidate for hot dry sharp-draining spots, especially where space is scarce. (pp#20,845)
Blooms July–mid-October
Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 2' 0" – 2-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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