Jerusalem Sage
This genus belongs to the Mint family and includes about 100 perennials as well as subshrubs from the Mediterranean and western Asia. Drought resistant and hardy, many of the species will thrive in warm sunny sites and dry woodland edges. Ornamental whorls of purple, pink or yellow blooms open in the summer, providing long-lasting stems and flower clusters for fresh and dried decoration in the garden or kitchen.

Launched in 1967 by Hilliers, a celebrated British nursery that supposedly received the namesake’s own garden seed, this grand hard-to-find Phlomis is an evergreen hybrid between Phlomis fruticosa and Phlomis russeliana. Commendable even on frosty winter mornings, the 6 to 10 in. tall spires are studded with large clustered snapdragon-like blooms composed of cream-colored hoods plus lemon-yellow lips. Daring spade-shaped green leaves, flashing felted finishes and silver undersides, attire staunch square upright stems beneath a colorful bumble-bee haven. Versatile, vigorous and dependable, deer-resistant ‘Edward Bowles’s can be added to mixed borders or water thrifty plantings.
Blooms June–early October
Size: 4' 0" high x 4' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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