Blue Star


Springing forth in a seedling block of Amsonia tabernaemontana at Sunny Border Nursery, this energetic compact perennial has an unresolved lineage, with some speculating that either Amsonia montana or Amsonia orientalis may be a parent. What’s for certain is the fact that its flowers are the bluest, most vibrant and longest blooming ones amongst the genus. The pyramidal-shaped terminal clusters of navy-colored buds and starry lavender-blue blooms garnish a refined dense mound clothed in narrow, willow-like dark green leaves. ‘Blue Ice’s easily maintained habit beams brilliant yellow fall color, looks its best when massed and makes a spiffy deer-proof addition to rock work, borders or woodland peripheries.
Blooms May–June
Size: 12" – 18" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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