
A more compact habit, increased leaf luster and copious coral-red fruit distinguish this winsome AGM recipient from the species C. dammeri, which hails from central and southern China. Boasting easy-care, year-round appeal, the attractive interlacing mass of stiff slender branches premieres diminutive, 5-petaled sparkling white flowers with purple anthers plus colorful late summer and early winter fruit. Petite, leathery deep green mostly evergreen foliage tinges purple in cold weather. Undaunted by deer, poor soil, dry conditions and erosion, but woeful if the weather’s too hot, long-lived ‘Coral Beauty’ crafts a low-lying woody ground cover for rock gardens, foundations, walls or embankments.
Blooms May–June
Size: 6" – 12" high x 4' 0" – 6' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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