Tumbleweed Onion

Ornamental Onion
Our selections are embellished versions of the common culinary bulbs. Prospering in a sunny well-drained site, these pest-resistant Alliums add flair to the garden, your favorite container and a fresh or dried arrangement.
Each 10.00

Evoking the charged energy of a bursting firecracker, some 200 miniature star-styled florets top stiff pedicels, which shoot out in all different lengths from the flower’s center. Sponsored by wavy, 1 in. wide straps and thick staunch stems, the fantastic spidery globes—enormous, loosely arranged lilac-pink wonders tailor-made for arrangements—measure at least a foot across and lay claim to their name as the entire ball eventually blows away, scattering seeds. This uniquely shaped ornamental onion’s native home is the Mediterranean and central Asia, so naturally it relishes a warm sunny niche, and when dormant, a toasty dry spell.
Blooms May–June
Size: 12" – 18" high x 8" – 10" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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