Pineapple Lily
A phenomenal display from a wondrous bulb, Eucomis belongs to the Lily family and calls tropical southern Africa its home. While its bold architectural lines beg a prominent spot in the ground or in a container, Pineapple Lily prefers warm, sunny nooks with mulched, well drained soil, and protection from excessive winter cold and moisture.

Anchored by lustrous, undulating light green leaves, maroon-flecked green stems elevate the intriguing purple-edged, pale green blooms. A tuft of verdant leaves crests each flowering raceme. Its smaller profile and out-of-the-ordinary coloration makes it an exemplary choice for a blue glazed vessel in a well traveled spot.
Blooms July–September.
Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 2' 0" – 2-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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