Crimson Cinquefoil

Resilient undemanding perennials cherished for their long season of blooms and attractive foliage, Potentillas endure poor soil, but insist on good drainage.

Don’t be surprised if you too fall under the spell of this undemanding, hearty perennial named for its sumptuously colored flowers and powerful presence. Lobed, strawberry-like, dark green foliage shapes a tidy clump beneath deep raspberry-red blooms with rich-as-velvet, ruby-black centers and bright white stamens.
Said to be useful in medicine and magic, the sun-loving Cinquefoil likes well drained soil and partial shade in hotter climates, obliges both cold and drought, and can be nestled into the rockery or atop a garden wall alongside Erysimum ‘Wenlock Beauty’.
Blooms June–August.
Size: 18" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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